Laymen’s Reflection on Syro-Malabar Sunday Mass Scripture Readings

Comment (1) on “February 26, 2016”

  1. I’m fr Benny palatty. i follow laity’s analysis of Bible and homily contributions.
    we have discussed about the same last year, when you were at CSN convent Palam (Delhi).

    i m doing my doctoral studies in Education. as i come across different universities and titles of researches that are done at various universities, i get heartening findings.

    Christians dont have any university where researches on contributions and challenges of christian community in India can be done. there are very few researches on related topics.
    as i m studying at Jamia millia islamia central university, there are hundreds of researches happening every year on Muslim contribution and their challenges. Muslims have Aligarh and Jamia central universities.
    Hindu Banaras university analyses on various other topics.
    i m not speaking for sectarian initiatives and division. but researches and analysis of contributions and challenges of every community would improve and correct that society. even though we have many schools, we dont have higher education institutions. and very few researches and scientific studies are done on our community and its culture.

    it is good to think of this aspect and to initiate some Seminars or researches on this area.

    Fr Benny palatty.
    Parish priest Dwarka, Diocese of Faridabad-Delhi.

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